A downloadable three-monkeys

The Three Monkeys is a co-op game for HTC Vive we developed during the 10th Global Game Jam 2018 in Shibuya under the theme, 'Transmission'. 

I co-designed the game and modelled a few assets. 
The original page on the GGJ site is here:

Game Description: 

Humans use their senses (sight, sound, touch) to perform tasks in VR, but what if it was split across three players? The Three Monkeys is a game that splits the headphones, headset and controllers across three people to create a silly game about working together to achieve a common goal. 

ようこそ「3匹の猿」へ! これから、皆様にはggj猿軍団の新芸「協力する三猿」にお猿さんになって挑戦していただきます。 この芸は3匹のお猿さんが協力してお題で指定されたアイテムを手に入れてそのアイテムをお題で出された音の出るゴミ箱に運んでもらいます。 

Game Demo:

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